Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Room 1 to the rescue!

Some kids from Room 1 found a Bumble Bee that wasn't looking very happy! They decided that putting it in our Bee Friendly Garden would make it feel better. Thanks for being some thoughtful Room 1.

Planting Room 1's Garden

Room 1 have been busy planting their garden. We have planted...


We are having a gardening competition with all of the other classes in the school. We have a top secret gardening book with all of our good ideas about how to grow a great garden. NO PEEKING!!! Thank you Dominic for writing down some more ideas at home and bringing them along!

We dug the garden over first.

We made a garden plan so we knew where to put everything.

We made a cover with some wire and netting to keep the birds and the frost away from our seeds.

Our Bee Friendly Garden

Last term Room 1 learnt all about how important it is to help save the bees. We decided to plant a bee friendly garden that we can look after near the playhouse. We planted Rosemary and Thyme and also have some poppy seeds to plant. We entered a colouring in competition that helped us learn about all of the flowers bees like. We posted our entries to the garden centre in Wellington, and they were so impressed with our pictures that they are giving us a voucher to buy some more Bee Friendly plants! Well done Room 1! Some of our big buddies from Rooms 8 and 9 entered too and will be helping us plant the flowers.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Bee Aware Month!

September is Bee Aware month. What are you doing to help the bees? Room 1 are going to grow flower seeds that attract bees. Do you want to plant some of these at home? Have a look at the link below to find out what seeds to plant. We are going to transform the garden by the playhouse outside Room 1 too.

Have look at this bee dance video...

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Don't waste water!

Read or listen to this ebook!

Read or listen to this ebook!

Well done!

Well done Jordan for being such a great Zero Waste Hero! You are always out in the playground picking up rubbish.  I was very proud to see you in the school newsletter. Mrs Klahn

Closed for Good!

Last week as part of the BNZ's closed for good campaign, the children who wanted to worked with the ladies from BNZ to make paper. I got a big surprise today to see two Room 1 kids in the News!

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Inquiry time continues in Room 1...

We have had a busy week and some of us are finally finished what we have been working on. Have a look at Odin's popplet.

1. Worms will eat it (the food scraps).
2. Can you stop dropping rubbish?
3. Can you only pick up rubbish.

Here is our first Puppet Show/story telling nearly ready to go. This is their first attempt in front of the class before they make a background and get a friend to video them.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Gardening with room 5

Gardening on PhotoPeach
Upcycling on PhotoPeach

Room 1 Sustainability M.I Inquiry time!

We have spent the last two terms learning all about looking after our environment. Today we started the 'sorting out' part of our inquiry where we use what we have learnt to teach others. It was very busy but everyone enjoyed it! We talked about the different ways people like to learn. We all chose a learning style we enjoy the most to share our learning. Here are some of the things we chose to do...
Using Popplet...

We reused old paper and card to make our posters and puppets.


Making a paper mache beehive...